“Gradually, the daylight faded and gave way to a raven-colored blanket that became studded, one by one, in long-ago memories of starlight. I wondered if the stars that once sent those luminescent photons toward my aging eyes still existed. I thought of how my words written within the pages of books were my best imitation of starlight. Someday somewhere, I hoped, someone might read my words and wonder if their creator still “lived”—perhaps in some other dimension. I wonder about that too.”
~ Steve Ramirez, Casting Homeward. An Angler and Naturalist's Journey to America's Legendary Rivers
This quote from my newest book, which happens to be the final installment in my Lyons Press Casting Series... so perfectly expresses my deepest wishes for my words. I set them free like a wild trout in the mountain stream and yet remain connected to them and always wish and hope that they will connect me to you.
Whenever I receive a note from a reader telling me that my words and stories helped them in their life's struggles, I feel that at least part of my wish has come true.
Whenever I receive a note from a reader telling me that they see Nature and this Beautiful Living Planet in a New Light - I feel that I have done a bit more of what I hope to do when I write.
And whenever I discover that my words have caused someone to live life with more joy, gratitude, kindness, and courage... I feel that I might be adding the meaning to my otherwise insignificant life, that I hope to create.
For me, life is about making some positive difference in this broken and burning human world. Every raindrop adds to the river.
I hope you and many people will see value in Casting Homeward.
Every Writer needs Readers.
Namaste' Y'all... Keep Casting Forward!