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On Being Grateful


Sitting on the river’s edge, I always feel so deeply grateful. And there is so much to be grateful for and about!

The river itself, flowing clear and clean, filled with life and sustaining life as it carves and forms the landscape…

The magic of mayflies hatching and spinners falling and trout rising in joyful splashes of abandon…

The communion and community I feel with trees, grasses, songbirds, wildflowers, and so many other forms of life and spirit…

The friendships, conversations, and meaningful moments of shared silence…

I guess this is why I will never be a world class angler… I care about all the gifts around me that have nothing to do with actually catching fish…

At my core I am a humble, grateful, joyful man. And I am grateful for this as well.

Namaste Y’all Keep Casting Forward!

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